Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Monday, August 28, 2017

Renee needs our help on Saturday September 2nd

A little reminder to those coming to the card making work party "Paint In" on Saturday September 2nd from 1-4 at Homer Art and Frame:

Be sure to bring glue sticks, small paper cutters (if you have one), scissors , and extra collage material like rice paper.  My thought is for each of you to make one or two cards to fill up the Fireweed Box and then you can make some for your own supply.  I really need help on this, so I hope some of you can come even for a little while.
Renee. :)

Rehanging the corner at Fireweed

Trina and Nina will be rehanging the corner this next Thursday and will need your paintings by the close of business on Wednesday August 30th.  If you have older paintings that have been up for more than 2 months please come and get those & bring us something new if you can.