The following Paint-In events are scheduled for the first Saturday of each month during the Spring of 2016 (1:00-4:00PM unless otherwise specified):
February 6, 2016: Valentine oriented paintings. Bring photo reference or paint from floral still life. Bring snack to share if you like. Free to members - Guests $10.
February 6, 2016: Valentine oriented paintings. Bring photo reference or paint from floral still life. Bring snack to share if you like. Free to members - Guests $10.
March 5, 2016 : Oriental style brush work with Color with guest instructor Sharlene Cline. Bring snack to share if you like. Free to members - Guests $10.
April 2, 2016: Mini workshop with Anchorage artist Don Kolstad. Cost to be announced.
May 7, 2016: "Painting from Life Model . . .(more information to follow)