demonstrations, sharing of ideas and techniques to enhance watercolor
Bruce stays in the summer on the Peninsula and the rest of the year in
Chandler, Arizona. He is a prolific painter in both oils and
watercolor and practices his art daily. His demo of an eagle in an
Alaska landscape was painted completely from memory and his
understanding of the bird's antomy soon became apparent as he
developed his painting in between working with individuals in the
group and discussing various techniques to enhance paintings as well
as tools of the trade.
Bruce recommended keeping sketch books all around the house (including
the bathroom) and have a pen or other drawing tool with each one...
that way there is not excuse not to take a few moments to draw every
day. He likes to draw with a pen to discourage the use of an eraser
(man after my heart for sure) and emphasizes drawing skills even
though he noted there are many excellent artists who are amazing
painters but don't draw well (many of whom develop paintings from
projected images and tracing).
Michael Murray